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Mapa ctp žatec II 2

CTPark Žatec II is located in the Triangle industrial zone near the R7 expressway (Prague - Dresden) in a strategic area on the outskirts of Žatec, about 40 km from the German border. Built-up area represents 11 ha of land with the possibility of further expansion of 12 ha. Very good accessibility and excellent location infrastructure. Affordable skilled labor due to higher unemployment.

Parameter Value
Location Žatec , Průmyslová zóna Bitozeves
Total size 0 m2
Building status Current

Location description

2 km from D7 motorway (Exit 66)


Lease of warehouses and production halls in Žatec will be appropriate for companies requiring access to the German border and available labor force for warehousing, production and logistics activities.

Property benefits

  • Close to German border
  • Existing space and built-to-suit construction