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The park is ideal for a wide range of industrial uses from production to storage. The location is known for its industrial tradition with a qualified and educated workforce. In the heart of the 7th richest region of the EU with around 2 million inhabitants.

Parameter Value
Location Chráštany , Plzeňská
Total size 18.802 m2
Building status Current

Location description

CTPark Praha západ se nachází v Chrášťanech, přímo na křižovatce pražského okruhu a dálnice D5 směrem na Plzeň a Německo.


One of the best locations in Prague with direct acccess to the D5 highway connecting the city with Germany, location offers a skilled and available workforce. Public transport links to nearby Prague Metro transportation. Connection to northern Germany, Austria and CEE via the adjacent Prague ring road.

Property benefits

  • Ideal Location On The Prague Ringroad And D5 Motorway
  • Nearby Prague Offers A Skilled And Available Workforce
  • Public Transport Links To Nearby Prague Metro System